#Getúlio Vargas
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dadsinsuits · 1 month ago
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Getúlio Vargas
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gemville · 2 years ago
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March Birthstone: Aquamarine
1,298 Carat Step-Cut Aquamarine Which Was Gifted To Eleanor Roosevelt by Brazilian President Getúlio Vargas In 1936. At The Time, It Was The Largest Cut Aquamarine In The World, Measuring 9.5cm x 5.7cm x 2.9cm.
This Stunning Gem Currently Resides At The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library In Hyde Park, NY.
Photo Courtesy: Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library Digital Archives [public domain] via Wikimedia Commons
Source: familyjewelers.com
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librosviejos · 7 months ago
Leonel Brizola vinte anos depois
Nos 20 anos da morte de Leonel de Moura Brizola, ocorrida em 21 de junho de 2004, conheça a certidão de nascimento e vários outros documentos sobre a vida deste grande defensor da democracia e da soberania nacionais, disponíveis através do FamilySearch. https://bit.ly/LeonelDeMouraBrizola
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blackcat-brazil · 2 years ago
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pearcaico · 2 years ago
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Inauguração da Confeitaria A Crystal, Na Rua Nova Esquina Com a Rua da Palma, Logo Depois Mudou de Nome Para Confeitaria Glória - Recife Em 1925, Local do Palco do Assassinato de João Pessoa, presidente da Paraíba (1928/1930) - cargo idêntico ao de Governador.
O fim trágico de 3 Joões
A tragédia que se abateu sobre a Paraíba no ano de 1930 envolveu três homens chamados João. E mudou a vida política do país na primeira metade do Século 20.
Mais um relato surge sobre esse episódio, que marcou para sempre a vida da população brasileira. Desta vez, pelas mãos da escritora pernambucana Ana Maria César, com publicação pela Cepe.
João Pessoa, presidente da Paraíba (1928/1930) - cargo idêntico ao de governador - sucedeu João Suassuna. E João Dantas, advogado e militante político, era aliado de Suassuna e fazia oposição a João Pessoa.
Quis o destino que os três Joões se cruzassem num mar de intrigas, desavenças, conflitos e mortes.
Sob o comando de João Pessoa,  a Paraíba passou a conviver com uma reforma tributária que reajustou em até 80% os impostos de tudo quanto era exportado para Recife, Natal e Fortaleza. João Pessoa também baixou um decreto para desarmar os fazendeiros, acusados de acoitar pistoleiros e promover assassinatos indissolúveis. Os dois fatos levaram o coronel Zé Pereira, um dos maiores exportadores de algodão e chefe político de Princesa, a liderar uma revolta popular e decretar o município independente da Paraíba. Criou hino, bandeira e leis próprias.
João Pessoa usou a força policial do estado para combater o levante. Princesa reagiu. E o embate armado não parou mais.
A atuação profissional de João Dantas como advogado do coronel e suas declarações favoráveis à insubordinação de Princesa fizeram dele um inimigo de proa do governo paraibano.  Seu escritório foi arrombado na calmaria de uma madrugada. A invasão foi atribuída pela polícia a ladrões comuns. João Dantas contestou porque desapareceram documentos confidenciais dos seus clientes e cartas íntimas trocadas entre ele e sua namorada, a professora Anayde Beiriz. A correspondência pessoal vazou.  
João Dantas decidiu ir pro Recife preparar sua defesa e torná-la pública por meio de um artigo a ser publicado no Jornal do Commercio. Ao lado do cunhado, o engenheiro Augusto Caldas, foi a um hotel no Centro do Recife entregar o artigo ao amigo João Suassuna, deputado federal pela Paraíba, e pai de uma filharada, entre eles, o futuro escritor Ariano Suassuna.
Do hotel, João Dantas saiu pelas ruas do Centro da capital pernambucana. Tinha lido uma pequena notícia em jornais locais informando que João Pessoa passaria aquele 26 de julho de 1930 no Recife. Com um revólver calibre 32 nos quartos, começou a vasculhar os passos do governante paraibano, que em março daquele mesmo ano tinha disputado a vice-presidência da República na chapa de Getúlio Vargas. Enquanto era procurado por João Dantas, o governante paraibano almoçava no já tradicional Restaurante Leite.  Na sua mesa, Agamenon Magalhães e o usineiro Caio de Lima Cavalcanti. De lá, o trio decidiu tomar um chá na elegante Confeitaria Glória, onde próximo estavam o carro e o motorista do Governo da Paraíba.
Foi nesse momento que João Dantas avistou o carro oficial e logo deduziu onde estava seu arqui-inimigo. Entrou na Confeitaria e disparou três tiros à queima-roupa em João Pessoa. Feridos de raspão por tiros saídos da arma do motorista, João Dantas e seu cunhado foram presos em flagrante.  
A Paraíba se vestiu de luto pra chorar seu morto ilustre. Por uma decisão da família, que morava no Rio de Janeiro, e por uma conveniência política da época, o enterro foi programado para ser lá.  De navio, o corpo saiu do Porto de Cabedelo para a então capital do país. Os getulistas, que não aceitavam a derrota para o paulista Júlio Prestes, usaram com maestria a comoção provocada pelo crime para apressar o projeto em curso de tomada do poder - movimento vitorioso e que ficou conhecido como “Revolução de 30”.
Nas investigações do crime, a polícia pernambucana incluiu o ex-governador paraibano João Suassuna pelo simples fato de, pouco antes de consumar o homicídio, o assassino ter deixado a cargo dele a publicação do artigo.
Ao final, nenhuma culpa foi atribuída ao chefe do clã Suassuna. Mas, isso lhe custou a vida. Pouco mais de dois meses depois daquele 26 de julho sangrento, João Suassuna tombou sem vida ao ser baleado quando passeava pelo Centro do Rio de Janeiro. Preso, o assassino disse que quisera vingar a morte de um irmão, que morrera no levante de Princesa, comandado pelo coronel Zé Pereira. O assassino acreditava que esse conflito poderia ter sido evitado pelo pai do menino Ariano Suassuna, por causa da sua amizade com o coronel. Poucos dias antes, João Dantas apareceu degolado na Casa de Detenção do Recife, ao lado do corpo do cunhado, também ferido mortalmente no pescoço. A família dos dois nunca acreditou na versão oficial de suicídio divulgada pela polícia, definia as duas mortes como assassinatos.
E assim se passaram 91 anos do trágico fim dos três Joões: Pessoa, Dantas e Suassuna.
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tita-ferreira · 3 months ago
Getúlio Vargas, João Goulart e Dilma Rousseff
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multipolar-online · 5 months ago
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apatosaurusluluslay · 6 months ago
mais uma vez as forças que os interesses contra o povo coordenaram novamente se desencadeiam sobre mim. não me acusam, me insultam, não me combatem, caluniam.e não me dão o direito de defesa.precisam sufocar a minha voz e calar a minha ação, para que eu não continue a defender, como sempre defendi, o povo e principalmente dos humildes.
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divulgatoriseriali · 7 months ago
Storia del Cangaço: Il Movimento Sociale dei Cangaceiros nel Nord-Est del Brasile tra XIX e XX Secolo
La storia dei cangaceiros racconta di uomini e donne nomadi che, tra il XIX e il XX secolo, percorrevano l’entroterra del nord-est del Brasile, dando vita a un movimento sociale noto come cangaço. In fuga dalla siccità e dalla carestia nella regione, praticavano rapine e saccheggi, mirando soprattutto i colonnelli, che possedevano grandi proprietà terriere. Continue reading Storia del Cangaço:…
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Webinar de Lançamento - Curso: Getúlio Vargas, Ontem e Hoje
Webinar de Lançamento - Curso: Getúlio Vargas, Ontem e Hoje
O que, de fato, significou a Era Vargas para o Brasil? Curso de 11 aulas irá discutir o legado de um dos períodos políticos mais controvertidos da história nacional. Webinar de lançamento dia 01/03, às 19h. A equipe de professores é fantástica: Angela Castro Gomes, Antonio Pedro Tota, Ariel Goldstein, Francisco Palomares Martinho, Jorge Ferreira, Isabel Lustosa, Israel Beloch, Lilia Schwarcz,…
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littlegnome145 · 7 months ago
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Was going through some of my older college prep material while I revise some stuff over the weekend and found this old doodle of these little guys DHDHDJDJ
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There's another one on the very next page FBDJDJDJDJDJ
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etoilesbienne · 1 year ago
Forever's Entire Proposal to BadBoyHalo q!BBH Analysis + Transcript below the cut.
Before I start, I want to make clear this is from BBH's perspective + mentality, and I do not speak Portuguese, as well as none of this is intended as character writing criticism. I really like the direction both of these characters are going in, I just want to highlight how much of a horror show this scene is! I'm starting much earlier than what's shown in the clip at the top, unfortunately Tumblr's file limits exist :/ Timestamp for the entire clip I'm using is at here in BBH's vod.
Some preface for everything going on in this scene and context:
For one, Forever's current drugged arc has continued references to the Vargas Era in Brazilian history, which, to heavily oversimplify, is a period when culture was suppressed by Getúlio Vargas, a 1930's Brazilian dictator, and made to look very perfected to the outside world to cover up the many issues from the government at the time. (I really recommend looking more into the Vargas Era on your own, I can say I've found every reading on this topic to be both interesting, as well as gives Forever's current arc a really good layer of historical reference with his presidency. It's a good topic to look into!)
Mostly, it's a representation of how fucked Forever's mental state currently is. Not only is he erratic from the drugs he was put under - He's actively been washed over with nationalistic propaganda. That's fucking horrifying for the President of the island to be under! It gains another layer of horror as well, because to all of the islanders, Forever is the only community member with any perceived sort of power. Him becoming erratic - pulling a gun on Phil, forcing other people to sign up for the drugs and medical procedure he went under - it's something that carries weight in terms of the island being united and working together, and is currently reinforcing the concerns the French group had with seeing him as unfit for power, with BBH included in all of these presidential coup meetings as being a sort of "honorary french" deal.
On Bad's side, however, is the known fact he finds marriage overrated, and meta-wise cc!BBH has mentioned he's playing a "more aromantic approach" because he doesn't want to be another character stuck in the shipping boat. (This isn't a knock against shipping, I just think it's good knowledge to have about q!BBH's character/stance on romance going into this.) And then finally, when the link timestamp starts, but before Forever has truly begun his serious conversation, BBH does this:
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He switches out his regular Totem of Undying to specifically a Death totem. It's very quick, but I think it sets up his mentality going into this... I think he expected Forever's final reaction.
Forever: Here, Bad. BadBoyHalo: Hello. F: Hello! F & BBH, simultaneously: So, uh - BBH: Do you know where any of the kids are? F: I know where Richarlyson is, but, oh uh maybe we should go a little bit further there's a translator screen. BBH: Okay. F: Otherwise, I want my chat to know what we're talking about.
[Break for when they move the benches again]
F: Here, nice, nice, nice. F: OH! It's even better! BBH: Yay. F: It's perfect, I would say! BBH: So, you don't - F: Yeah, I don't know where the eggs are, Bad, but I'm really - there's something I know, okay? BBH: Uh-huh. F: I can tell you. BBH: Tell me. F: They are just good and fine, okay? BBH: What do you mean? F: They're fine! They're well! BBH: Look, what do you want, Forever? F: Ah, I want to get married! BBH: No, I mean, like, what do you want? F: Why? BBH: Like, if you know what happened to the - F: Why… don't we just get married! BBH: Do you know what happened to the eggs? Do you know where they are? F: Let's get married. BBH: What's happening, Forever? Etoiles: [mumbling] Fit: Hooray. Tina: Hip Hip Hooray! F: Let's - Let's just get married. Fit: Hooray. Tina: Hip Hip Hooray! Fit: Hooray. Wooooooo. Tina: He saved us. That's crazy! BBH: Okay. Oh, hey Etoiles. You - You're not focused, Forever. Tina: It's probably the most beautiful battle ever! Of all time! In a rose field! F: Yeah, I'm totally focused! I'm happy! Etoiles: Thank you, Tina! Tina: Yes! BBH: No - No, you're focused on the wrong thing - Etoiles: You see, I clicked well! I clicked well! F: Guys, can you give me and Bad a moment, please? - Tina: [Overlapping with Forever] I'm so sorry - F: - We are having a deep conversation, I am asking him to get married! Tina: - I'm so sorry Mr. President, I didn't know. Etoiles: Okay! Okay, Forever, what I, Forever, I - I don't understand, like, there's the code who's attacking us, and you don't give a shit, but you are the president? F: Where - Where is the codes? I want to help you guys! Everything will be perfect! Tell me. Pierre: Congratulations Badboy and Mr. President, congratulations F: If the codes are not here right now, Etoiles, you are just being inconvenient, because I want to get married, and you are just in the way, man - Etoiles: Okay - F: - Go away, please! Etoiles: Okay, okay, I will go away. Okay, okay. F: If the codes show up, you will tell me, okay? BBH: [short confused laugh] F: [cheering as Etoiles walks away] YES! BBH: [looking around at the sky] F: See, Bad? This is how we solve problems. Isn't that perfect? Pierre: Can I be your best man for the wedding? BBH: What? No? There's not gonna be a wedding - F: He asks me for drugs all the time, Bad, he just asks me for drugs. BBH: - okay? F: [laughing] Pierre: Huh? BBH: He's obviously not in his right mind, AyPierre. Pierre: Yes, look at this smile! Must use a lot of uh… BBH: A smile doesn't mean a whole lot. F: Pierre, I will, I will tell Cucurucho, man, I told you already. Pierre: Yes, I want to be happy… F: Cucurucho will come to you and he will put the smile on your face! Pierre: Yes! F: Now go away, I want to get married. Pierre: I want it! F: (Portuguese as Pierre leaves) F: Oh my god, finally some silence. So Bad, BBH: mhm. F: Don't you think this place looks beautiful? BBH: I guess. F: Oh my god, they're still around so the translator is just crazy. Let's change it again please. Sorry, but - F: (Portuguese, I am assuming it is more ooc focused, my apologies. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me!)
[Break for when they move locations, this is where the clip above begins.]
F: So Bad, BBH: Yes? F: What is it going to be? Are you going to get married, or not? BBH: Why do you want to get married? F: Yeah, because everything's perfect, right? A marriage would be perfect, as well! BBH: Why do you think everything's perfect? F: Why don't you think everything's perfect? BBH: Because we don't have our kids, Forever. They're gone. F: No, no they're just fine, man! You are not seeing the world the way you should, Bad, and I'm going to tell you - BBH: How should I be seeing it? F: I'm here for you, buddy. I'm here for you, buddy, okay? BBH: Is anyone here for you? F: And I'm going to tell Cucurucho that he should help you! Like he did to me. BBH: I don't want his help. F: You need his help, Bad. Just - BBH: I don't need his help, Forever. F: - Bad, you are looking bad, Bad, - BBH: I feel fine. F: - you know? BBH: You know what would help me, Forever? F: So let's get married! BBH: Forever. You know what would help me? F: Hm? What? BBH: Tell that white puffball to give me my son back. To bring back all of our kids. F: White puffball? What does that mean? BBH: Cucurucho. F: Okay. BBH: What does he want? What does he want, Forever? Does he want diamonds? F: Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with the eggs? Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with your child? BBH: I know it was him, Forever. F: What are you guys getting from exploding the whole city? Why did I become the president that's trying to help everyone, and you guys are just exploding everything? This is funny man, this is perfect. [laughs] You know? You guys are just too crazy! [laughs] Man, you guys are exploding stuff, and you all are saying that I need help? [laughs] That's funny, man, that's funny! BBH: We need our kids back, Forever. That's why. We'll stop, all Cucurucho has to do is return the eggs. I want Dapper back, I want Pomme back, all the kids back. F: Why do you think Cucurucho is the one with the eggs? BBH: He obviously is the one with the eggs, okay? F: What proof do you have? BBH: Remember - F: Cucurucho's great, Bad. BBH: - I saw - F: Uh huh. BBH: - It was a strange person in the federation building, Mysterioso or whatever his name was? F: [laughs] Yeah, he doesn't like [I cannot figure out what he says here] BBH: I saw him at the federation building. I bet that's the same person who gave Sofia's plans to Maximus. F: [laughing] BBH: That means the Federation was responsible for Sofia. F: Okay, okay. BBH: That means they're behind everything! There's not anything they don't know about. F: Did Maximus tell you that that man is the same one that gave Sofia to him. BBH: He said it was a mysterious hooded figure, and there's only one - F: There's only - Can only be one - BBH: - mysterious hooded figure. F: - It can only be one. BBH: If the federation does not - did not take the kids, they know who did, and they know where they are - F: Ohh. BBH: - I just want them back, that's it. F: Yeah.
BBH: What do they want - What do they want, Forever? Mr. President? You're in contact with them, what do they want? F: Well, Bad, I can tell you something, you know? This is actually quite funny, this is actually quite funny. BBH: What's funny about it? F: So everyone on the island thinks that I, being the president - me, being the president - means that I'm working for the Federation, but do you know what you guys don't see? BBH: What? F: I am the only one working for you guys! A favor(?), you know, the federation does what they want. I'm the only one that tried to represent the people of the island. BBH: So you're trying to get our kids back? F: Oh, they're just fine right now. BBH: Where are they? F: I don't know, sleeping maybe? BBH: How do you they're fine? F: Cucurucho said it's classified! Isn't that funny? BBH: Do you believe it? F: That it's classified? I don't know, is there anything to believe in that? BBH: [sighs] BBH: What happened to you, Forever? F: What? BBH: What happened to you? What did they do to you? F: Uh, I don't know what you're talking about, Bad. I'm just feeling so good, 'cuz everything's so good man. BBH: This isn't like you. You're not acting like yourself. F: Why? Why, I'm happy? I'm not happy? You say I'm not a happy person? BBH: That's just it Forever, you wouldn't be this happy with Richarlyson missing. F: Richarlyson's okay, he's just - BBH: Is he? Is he? F: - sleeping a lot. BBH: Has he gotten up? Has he danced around? Has he put any signs down? Has he said anything to you? Have you built any projects with him recently? Have you done anything with him at all? F: [Deep sigh that turns into a laugh] No, no. BBH: Then how is he fine? F: [long pause] Bad, I have something I would like to show you. Or maybe test on you. BBH: What? F: You know, you guys are just so funny with that clock joke. BBH: Clock joke? F: Yeah, I want to test something. F: Don't you want to get married? BBH: I want my son back. I want Dapper, Pomme, F: [begins launching mines] BBH: [evades, throws health potions] F: STOP THAT FUCKING CLOCK NOISE. BBH: You like your mines, Forever? BBH: It won't bring Richarlyson back.
To start from the beginning, BBH is under no pretenses that this would be a marriage proposal of all things. All he is aware of is that Forever wants to have a serious discussion with him. He's also gone out of his way to put himself on a Death totem, meaning he has every possibility to be downed if Forever were to successfully attack him.
With Forever's current mental state and reinforcing a societal idealism & a desired performance of aggressive happiness and "normalcy" - his character now desiring something like a marriage can be read multiple ways. For one, an imitation of how one of his closest friends, his ex-husband no less, was recently married and is currently considered one of the best federation workers (albeit begrudging on Cellbit's part). For two, a marriage is a pretty huge symbol of a plastique performance of a perfect life. Especially in this context, it's saccharine, it's a status symbol, everyone wants it. With the medication as well, we don't truly know if Forever genuinely feels strongly about BBH to want to marry him, or if he feels he has to be in a marriage for a "perfect" life with BBH being "the best option" as a spouse. (Again, this is not a criticism of Forever's character, this is a very symbolically rich move for him to do, and I, personally, cannot get enough of it.)
Now back to BBH, this is a guy who is admittedly not looking for romance, not trying to romance anyone, and is currently in the middle of a character arc having to do with how pissed he is at Forever for not running the government in a way he approves, and then getting wrongfully jailed by Forever. I do not think BBH is in any way afraid of Forever as a person, but I do think BBH has concerns about what he may be forced to do in an attempt to get his children back. BBH as a character in general has very, very little regard for his own life, watch a pov of himself in a dungeon and just see how many totems pop, but he does care about his kids more than anything else in the world. The way his character goes about his care for his kids isn't something that often occurs in more masculine-presented characters like him either, frankly I think a lot of more ship oriented readings of him end up hyper-feminizing him* because of this "maternal" archetype.
In a return to Forever's saccharine performance of perfectionism, I find the moments Forever makes the both of them move across the rose field - The rose field, previously quite literally stained by blood as Etoiles had just finished another battle with the code there, tensions are running high and everyone is still distressed from the eggs going missing - I realize it's because cc!Forever ooc wanted to move to not have the chatbox be interrupted by other people speaking, but it's just so good thematically. He keeps moving to have a better view of roses. It's never perfect enough. They have to keep moving. They have to be alone. Nobody else is allowed to be around when he corners BBH with the marriage proposal. Nobody can get in the way.
Speaking of people interrupting, the other members appearing in the middle of the conversation adds to the fridge horror that's been subtly happening all the way through. Nobody pauses and makes sure BBH is okay throughout this scene, everybody is extremely sure that he is fine and can handle himself. The only person to even make a criticism of Forever is Etoiles, over being somewhat irritated that it looks like Forever has been doing little to nothing as President to aid new members or former islanders (despite this technically not being true, Etoiles has seen none of it, and has been giving new players items continuously in an effort to help them, as well as has had little time to do anything except fight code entities).
And then onto the rejection, BBH never agrees to the marriage at all, because why would he? I've seen quite a lot of discussion thus far that he doesn't reject Forever outright, but I disagree, it's a little moment in there, and I couldn't get it in the video posted itself, but he explicitly tells Pierre "there's not gonna be a wedding," and then is cut off by Forever. It's quiet, I don't think many people heard it outright, but BBH is right in his assertion Forever isn't in his right mind to be asking for marriage in the first place.
The other side of that, however, is that BBH is very well aware Forever didn't want to hear an outright rejection either. BBH knows what Forever is capable of, and he knows this version of Forever is not his usual self. It's not an easy situation, especially when he's fully under the impression Forever does have some power with the Federation, and fully believes the Federation has the eggs. Whether or not this is actually true doesn't really matter to Bad's perspective here, he's deadset in this belief. With that belief in mind, how is someone supposed to respond to being cornered about marriage - a concept he has little interest in - but the person cornering him is 1. known to be volatile due to recent events, 2. potentially has some form of contact to the people currently holding the eggs captive, and potentially put his children more at risk than they already are, 3. the literal only person in power on the island.
I don't think BBH ever believed he had the option to outright tell Forever no, he's in a depressed state as is, his kids might be dead for all he knows, and he has the impression Forever could bring harm to them.
Admittedly it is interesting how many outright untrue facts BBH holds onto, but cannot change his belief in them. His opinion and perspective of Forever is one thing, but it's much, much more obvious when he brings up the connection between the new Mysterioso and the previous masked person who gave the plans for Sofia to Maxo, those were two separate unknown figures as we know as the audience, but Bad does not know this, and does make assumptions and connect dots in his own right, tending to his own detriment. This is all intended here, he's wrong about Forever factually, but to his knowledge he's acting in the best way he can. He's under the impression Forever is just not telling the full truth to him about everything with the eggs disappearing, and believes the federation is lying. I think it's made even more obvious he's prioritizing the eggs over everything else here, especially with his final statement about Richarlyson. BBH believes the eggs are the only true way to every player's heart, and blatantly ignores the actual romance aspect of what marriage implies, because romance genuinely does not matter to him at all. He doesn't have time to worry about being in a relationship if his son might be dead.
Mostly, I find this scene to be a great relationship horror set up, because damn if I haven't been on dates like this, where I feel like I can't say no or something might happen. I understand the paranoia and anxiety surrounding q!BBH's mindset in the moment. It isn't a rational response by any means, no, but it is a very aggressively human response to this situation for a demon to have.
Basically, I don't think BBH is a fundamentally romantic character in the first place, nor do I think he'd ever be happy in a cutesy marriage position anyway, he never once responds romantically to any of this, and solely prioritizes the eggs, the final Richarlyson line cements this fact. It's not a dig at how Forever will never have BBH romantically - it's a dig at Forever based on what BBH's priority is, his kids.
*I want to be clear this statement is meant to be a neutral fact, it's just worth mentioning in an analysis like this that BBH as a character is more typically set on the feminine side by the fanbase, and how his character's interpretations are influenced by that reading.
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meachapelin · 1 month ago
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Drafts that I had to make to maintain my sanity while I try to create in my head the a easy chronological line of events of the last days of Getúlio Vargas' government and how would I explain this to a 14 year old who doesn't care about any of this
And ignoring my duties, I'm very happy with how I'm slightly improving in drawing mecha, this Eva 01 was made from memory, I took the references only for the colors
And I keep thinking about how Maxyn's face would get all blotchy every time she kissed Trixie and that train of thought had me staring at the wall for 14 minutes
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fatehbaz · 1 year ago
[In] the making and unmaking of amphibious urban modernity in Recife in the Northeast of Brazil [...] the transformation of the city was predicated on [...] [a] notion of whiteness that required the enclosure of wet, amphibious space to make dry land. [...] Racialised groups - of black, indigenous, and mixed heritages - and the houses, marshlands, and mangroves where they lived, were subject to eradication [...]. [F]rom the 1920s to 1950s, during the rise to hegemony in Brazil of [a particular form of nationalism,] [...] [the] idea's heartland [was] the Northeast. This period gave birth to Brazilian urban modernity [...]. [F]orests, wetness, and the spectre of commonly held land were understood as threats to whiteness and its self-association with order, purity [...]. To answer the question of why the racial division of nature was so important, [...] turn to the hygienic, boundary-making practices of the Brazilian Estado Novo [...] [and its] eugenic visions [...].
Nature is deeply imbricated in the processes of white supremacy [...]. Recife is one of the largest cities in Brazil, and one of the oldest. [...] Recife is also a centre of Brazilian black culture [...]. One of the key sites in Brazil's slave and sugar trades [...], the city was [...] [a] hub. Many of these people lived in what came to be called mocambos, a word that designated an informal dwelling, but came to mean much more. The population of the mocambos included not only black Brazilians, but sertanejos from the backlands, black and indigenous caboclos, and others [...]. Enclosure was the crucial mechanism of this division.
The Recifense geographer Josué de Castro contended that the mangroves were a kind of commons [...]. Zélia de Oliveira Gominho (2012) characterises the city's transformation [from 1920 to 1950] through the oscillation between its twin faces of “mucambópolis” and Veneza Americana (the Venice of the Americas). [...]
Mocambos were seen as [...] the place where exploited labour was kept out of sight. [...] They were also [...] the inheritance [...] of the quilombo - the community of escaped slaves. [...] Gilberto Freyre was perhaps the single most influential figure in producing this defining national myth in Brazil. In 1936, he wrote a book on the Mucambos do Nordeste [...]. Josué de Castro wrote very differently about the mangroves and mocambos. [...] He analysed Recife as “amphibious”: built half in and half out of the water [...]. When Josué de Castro [...] [wrote] in the early 1930s, the city was in the midst of political turbulence. As land values increased, the city expanded, and [...] [oppressive] politics intensified [...].
With the installment of the [...] [oppressive] Estado Novo regime in 1937, and its project of creating a “new man,” hygienist modernisation gathered speed. In July 1939, the proto-fascist administration [...] of Agamenon Magalhães, put in place by Getúlio Vargas' repressive Estado Novo, launched the Liga Social Contra o Mocambo (Social League Against the Mocambo, LSCM).
The League emerged out of a tellingly named “Crusade” against the mocambos. [...] Mocambos were characterised as repellent, unhygienic, and dangerous: “the mocambo which repels. The mocambo which is the tomb of a race … a sombre landscape of human misery … which mutilates human energy and annuls work [...].
The LSCM couched its civilisational, modernising mission in the conjuncture of techno-scientific discourses of medicine and planning with clear eugenic tones [...]. [T]he LSCM commissioned a fresh census of the 45,000 mocambos in the city. They brought the mocambos/mangroves into being as objects of knowledge on behalf of the economic elite and local, national, and international capital. In the 1923 census in Recife, “of 39,026 dwellings surveyed, 51.1% were considered ‘deficient’ mocambos.” [...]
These were the decades of the embranquecimento of the Brazilian population through public policies of immigration, miscegenation, and sterilisation [...]. This white supremacist ideology was inseparably a politics of nature. Magalhães wrote:
The idle life, the life that the income of the mocambos provides, is a life without restlessness and without greatness. It is a life of stagnant water. … [that] generates in its breast the venom of larvae, which are the enemies of life. Enemies of life, as are the mocambos and the sub-soil of cities, where the polluted waters contaminate pure waters, which come from the deepest layers of the earth. (Magalhães, 1939c, n.p.)
Attempts to “cleanse” the city functioned through a distinct process: aterramento, the making of land. [...]
Or as 1990s mangue beat [mangrove beat] musicians [...] put it, “the fastest way also to obstruct and evacuate the soul of a city like Recife is to kill its rivers and fill up its estuaries” [...]. This racial division of nature - in alliance with, bound up with, a racial division of space - facilitated the production of spacialised white supremacy.
All text above by: Archie Davies. "The racial division of nature: Making land in Recife". Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Volume 46, Issue 2, pages 270-283. First published 29 November 2020. At: doi dot org slash 10.1111/tran.12426 [Bold emphasis and paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for teaching, commentary, criticism purposes.]
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pearcaico · 1 year ago
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Visita do Presidente da República Getúlio Vargas na Cidade do Recife Desfilando em Carro Aberto ao Lado do Governador do Estado o Sr. Agamenon Sérgio de Godoy Magalhães, Na Avenida Beira-Mar Em Boa Viagem no Veículo Lincoln 1933 - Recife Em 12/05/1952.
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ms-lirio · 8 months ago
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"You hurted yourself. Again."
"I guess I should say: I am deeply sorry."
"Do not act so reckless, Alfred."
"—Promise. And you should take a rest, you look tired."
"I am fine. Do not worry about me."
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I have MANY pending books to read, whether diaries, reports, story books, Brazilian Pracinhas and Nurses and much more.  But to save time, I decided to just read a few quick articles to prepare this post.
All pointed here is in a historical view.
Brazil was officially the only South American country to send troops to the conflict under its flag.
Historically, Brazil's actions prevailed in Italy.  It was where Brazil sent its troops, and its participation in the war was delayed as Brazil wanted to maintain its relations with both sides and remain neutral throughout the conflict.  After German and Italian attacks suffered by Brazilian ships, Brazil gave up its neutrality, siding with the Allies.
American military bases were built in the Northeast region of Brazil and Brazilian troops received American training.
"In 1939, with the beginning of the Second World War, Brazil remained neutral, in continuation of President Getúlio Vargas' policy of not defining itself by any of the great powers, only trying to take advantage of the advantages offered by them. Such "pragmatism " was interrupted at the beginning of 1942, when the United States and the Brazilian government agreed to transfer air bases on the island of Fernando de Noronha and along the north-northeast Brazilian coast to receive American military bases (if negotiations had not result, with Vargas and the military insisting on maintaining neutrality, the US had plans to invade the Brazilian northeast, codenamed Plan Rubber).”  (WIKIPEDIA)
"Natal, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, has a very important strategic global geographic position. This fact made the city host the two main American military bases during the Second World War: the Naval Base and Parnamirim Field – at the time it was the largest US Air Force base on foreign territory.”  (WIKIPEDIA)
// Getúlio Vargas flirted with the Fascist ideology even tho, he went to ALLIES' side. 💀
HCs: (don't take them too seriously)
⚠️ Remembering the following content: we are still talking about Hetalia, so my HCs and lore are not absolute truth, but my perception of my oc's participation during the conflict.  Even though it has a historical basis behind it.  And also, this is historical fiction (ofc, it's hetalia).  WWII is an extremely sensitive topic to many. I ask for caution, I will be careful with what I have to say.
— Alfred used his charm and charisma to make Mayara fight alongside him (Good Neighbor Policy). What worked and they formed an alliance based on a mutual exchange of interests.
— Mayara had developed a strange feeling that intensified for Alfred (something between admiration and wanting to be like him, a complex feeling, which perhaps was confused with platonic love and which sought certain privileges in that alliance), even if she was reluctant to give end her neutral stance towards the conflict (something similar to what happened in WWI).  She would later do this after torpedoing of vessels by German and Italian submarines, retaliation due to Brazil's accession to the Atlantic Charter;  thus, she broke ties with the AXIS and declared war on Italy and Germany.
— In my universe, Mayara also served as a nurse, and spent most of her time with Alfred, often tending to his wounds.  Sometimes just chitchatting together or learning about militarism and things like that. He trained her. He was the one who supported her.
— I changed my conception of another topic, which was May's direct participation on the battlefield.  I think that Mayara, in addition to serving as a nurse, also fought on the front line when necessary (due to the fact that she was the representative of Brazil) and needed to be on the front line.  In my former HC she didn't go to the front. (I disagree with the 2021 me xd).
—  I don't believe that Alfred reciprocated any kind of feelings for May. She was an important piece for him, and so he courted her, to secure a new ally.  It was a benefits relationship.
— Besides Alfred.  There were FEW times where dialogues with England took place, this was due to the participation of Anglo-Brazilians on the English side (if I'm not wrong, in the area of ​​aviation, but I need to delve deeper into the topic).  An almost tiny interaction compared to the prevalence of Alfred's actions, which was immensely greater and also generated impacts.
PS: I don't ship BrAme/AmeBra, they are just friends.  However, Mayara, as I said, had strange feelings for him at some moments in history (I was reading an article about diplomacy 🇧🇷-🇺🇸, I realized that Brazil had a greater interest in getting closer to the USA for economic and regional power, that is, an admiration that aimed for benefits/just as the US aimed for strategic support/Mayara would support Alfred in anything, as she thought she would get support in return).
I used the word "courtship" as it was stated in this old History book (which I no longer have).  Alfred... used his charm against May. Lol.
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Evidence of a strange obsession with Alfred:
Meet the United States of Brazil:
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(I showed this damn flag to my dad he got disgusted lmfao)
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